In Action
Measurements in cm for Head to Tail Length (HTL) and Total Height (TH).
Prices on request. Contact
Beluga, adult, yearling and newborn Delphinapterus leucas
Adult, juvenile, calf Size: HTL 480 Material: Cotton, felt, sewed, painted
Based on an illustration by Martin Camm Photos: Ursula Tscherter
Bottlenose dolphin, adult, juvenile & newborn Tursiops truncatus
Adult, juvenile, calf Size: HTL 360 Material: Cotton, felt, sewed, painted
Based on an illustration by Martin Camm Photos: Ursula Tscherter
Burmeister's porpoise Phocoena spinipinnis
Adult Size: HTL 150 Material: Cotton, felt, sewed, painted
Based on an illustration by Martin Camm
Commerson's dolphin Cephalorhynchus commerson's
Adult Size: HTL 130 Material: Cotton, felt, sewed, painted
Based on an illustration by Martin Camm Fotos: Ursula Tscherter
Common dolphin Delphinus delphis
Adult, calf Size: HTL 220 Material: Cotton, felt, sewed, painted
Based on an illustration by Martin Camm Photos: Ursula Tscherter
Dall's porpoise, Dalli-type Phocoenoides dalli
Adult Size: HTL 220 Material: Cotton, felt, sewed, painted
Based on an illustration by Martin Camm Fotos: Ursula Tscherter
Dall's porpoise, True's-type Phocoenoides dalli
Adult Size: HTL 220 Material: Cotton, felt, sewed, painted
Based on an illustration by Martin Camm Fotos: Ursula Tscherter
Dusky dolphin Lagenorhynchus obscurus
Adult Size: HTL 170 Material: Cotton, felt, sewed, painted
Based on an illustration by Martin Camm Photos: Ursula Tscherter
Finless porpoise Neophocaena phocaenoides
Adult Size: HTL 130 Material: Cotton, felt, sewed, painted
Based on an illustration by Martin Camm Foto: Ursula Tscherter
Harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena
Adult, calf Size: HTL 160 Material: Cotton, felt, sewed, painted
Based on an illustration by Martin Camm Photos: Ursula Tscherter
Hector's dolphin Cephalorhynchus hectori
Adult Size: HTL 150 Material: Cotton, felt, sewed, painted
Based on an illustration by Martin Camm Fotos: Ursula Tscherter
Hourglassdolphin Lagenorhynchus crucifer
Adult Size: HTL 170 Material: Cotton, felt, sewed, painted
Based on an illustration by Martin Camm Fotos: Ursula Tscherter
Narwhal Monodon monoceros
Adult Size: HTL 500 Material: Cotton, felt, sewed, painted
Based on an illustration by Martin Camm Fotos: Ursula Tscherter
Orca Orcinus orca
Adult Size: HTL 900 Material: Cotton, felt, sewed, painted
Based on an illustration by Martin Camm Photos: Ursula Tscherter
Pilotwhale, Longfinned Globicephala melas
Adult Size: HTL 540 Material: Cotton, felt, sewed, painted
Based on an illustration by Martin Camm Photos: Ursula Tscherter
Risso's dolphin Grimeus griseus
Adult, calf Size: HTL 360 (adult) Material: Cotton, felt, sewed, painted
Based on an illustration by Martin Camm Fotos: Ursula Tscherter
Rough-toothed dolphin Steno bredanensis
Adult Size: HTL 240 Material: Cotton, felt, sewed, painted
Based on an illustration by Martin Camm Photos: Ursula Tscherter
Spectacled porpoise Phocoena dioptrica
Adult Size: HTL 20 Material: Cotton, felt, sewed, painted
Based on an illustration by Martin Camm Fotos: Ursula Tscherter
Sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus
Juvenile Size: HTL 500 Material: Cotton, felt, sewed, painted
Based on an illustration by Martin Camm Photos: ORES / Guillaume Pelletier
Spinnerdolphin Spennella longirostris
Adult Size: HTL 200 Material: Cotton, felt, sewed, painted
Based on an illustration by Martin Camm Photos: Ursula Tscherter
Striped dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba
Adult Size: HTL 360 Material: Cotton, felt, sewed, painted
Based on an illustration by Martin Camm Fotos: Ursula Tscherter
Vaquita Phocoena sinus
Adult Size: HTL 150 Material: Cotton, felt, sewed, painted
Based on an illustration by Martin Camm Fotos: Ursula Tscherter
Whitebeaked dolphin Lagenorhynchus albirostris
Adult Size: HTL 250 Material: Cotton, felt, sewed, painted
Based on an illustration by Martin Camm Fotos: Ursula Tscherter
White-sided dolphin, Atlantic Lagenorhynchus achtes
Adult Size: HTL 260 Material: Cotton, felt, sewed, painted
Based on an illustration by Martin Camm Fotos: Ursula Tscherter
White-sided dolphin, Pacific Lagenorhynchus obliquidens
Adult Size: HTL 220 Material: Cotton, felt, sewed, painted
Based on an illustration by Martin Camm Fotos: Ursula Tscherter